October 20, 2012

Best Drink To Lose Weight

Best Drink To Lose Weight

photocredits: ifood.tv

You may think that drinking just one soda per day doesn't make that much of a difference. If you're active, and have your weight under control, then having the occasional soda is fine. But let's take a look at how that one soda can add up and what the impact on your weight will be when you go with a calorie-free alternative.

Let's use some simple math to see what a positive difference this one small change can make when trying to lose weight. The first thing to know is that every 3,500 calories you get rid equals one pound. Next, a typical 12 ounce can of soda contains 150 calories. Okay, here's how it works out...

365 days in a year X 150 calories per 12 oz. = 54,750 total calories.

54,750 calories divided by 3,500 calories = 15.6 pounds!

Talk about a small change that can make add up to significant weight loss. And if you happen to drink soda in larger bottles, it could make a difference of 30 pounds or more. But be careful that you don't replace those calories with other calories. In other words you have to cut those calories out completely to get the full benefit.

So, what are the options? Most people think juice is a good replacement for soda. Not if you're counting calories, for example, while soda may have 150 calories per 12 ounces, grape juice has closer to 250. Some juices have a higher water content, so you'll have to check the label to be sure. However, if it's a choice between soda and fruit juice, go with the juice. At least the juice contains some vital nutrients while soda is nothing but empty calories.

Another thing you may not be aware of is that the sugar in soft drinks can make you thirsty. Putting you into an endless loop of drinking calorie-laden beverages to satisfy the thirst that the same beverages are causing.

The best way to quench your thirst when trying to lose weight is water. Keep a large bottle within arm's reach throughout the day, making it easy to take a sip when needed.

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